Cashless into the Future – The Electronic Purse
If German banks have their way, customers should not keep bills and coins in their wallets, but EC and, above all, credit cards. After all, who still has cash in their pocket today? What developments will the future bring?
The e-euro – virtual wallet – the world is changing – assessments and opinions
The future of money will be digital. The European Central Bank announced the introduction of an E-Euro. An interview with Dr. Peter Riedi of EM Global Service AG and the question: what are the forecasts on this topic?
L’e-euro – portafoglio virtuale – il mondo sta cambiando – valutazioni e opinioni
Il futuro del denaro sarà digitale. La Banca Centrale Europea ha annunciato l’introduzione di un E-Euro. Un’intervista con il Dr. Peter Riedi di EM Global Service AG e la domanda: quali sono le previsioni su questo argomento?