Der Kampf der Wertanlagen im digitalen Zeitalter um die Umweltfreundlichkeit
Bitcoin vs. Gold: der aufstrebende digitale Gigant und das ewige Edelmetall – Passen Bitcoin und Gold in das ESG-Schema? Warum ist dies eine Frage der Perspektive?
Precious metal – services of man
Precious metal mines – the way from the earth to the people, in conversation with Dr. Peter Riedi, EM Global Service AG based in the Principality of Liechtenstein
Raw material demand: new technologies with precious metals and rare earths.
Precious metals: trade of the future – technology metals as raw material in industry for technologies. The discussion of critical raw materials – in conversation with Dr. Peter Riedi, EM Global Service AG based in the Principality of Liechtenstein.
Resources for technological progress – rare and valuable
Rare earths – what is it? Occurrence, investment and recycling, by Amelie Hauger, student from Stuttgart in conversation with Dr. Peter Riedi, economist in the heart of Europe/ Principality of Liechtenstein.