Rules And Filters Are Now Available On Inoreader For Android and iOS

Worüber schreiben wir:

Rules and Filters are some of the best features for power users Inoreader offers. They allow you to go beyond using RSS for just content consumption. But they were only available on our web version until now.

Today we are releasing version Inoreader 6.4 for Android and iOS with support for Rules and Filters.

You can find your Rules in the sidebar. Just scroll down below the subscriptions list. Creating and editing Rules is done with mobile in mind, so instead of a single complex dialog like on the web, you have a guided 3-step process where you choose your trigger, conditions, and actions separately.

You can filter a feed by swiping it to the right from the sidebar and choosing “Filter feed” from the menu. Filter creation process is similar to a rule but is more simplified.

You can read more about Rules here.

You can read more about Filtered feeds here.

Rules and Filters are available in our Pro plan.

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The post Rules And Filters Are Now Available On Inoreader For Android and iOS appeared first on Inoreader blog.


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