Importance of internships in nursing professions

Importance of internships in nursing professions

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How important is an internship in a healthcare profession? In conversation with Moritz Bausch, Berlin/Papenburg, by Oliwer Mikus, recruitment agency Sedulus Sp. z. o o.

It is only through an internship that many people realize what they want and, above all, what they can expect. We ask Moritz Bausch, IB graduate of the English boarding school Rossall School in Fleetwood, UK, currently in vocational training OTA in healthcare. He is particularly interested in the transformation of healthcare – with human health at the forefront – through technology, digitalization and artificial intelligence to holistic A-Z health. Is it true that internships offer a great opportunity to explore and get to know professional life in the healthcare sector, and then decide on it? Moritz Bausch on this: „Especially at these times, while the Corona pandemic dominates almost everywhere, it seems to be difficult to obtain an internship even in social professions. But yes, I have made the experience that hospitals are happy when committed people want to help and support in the daily hospital routine. An internship provides the perfect opportunity to find out if a career in social services is a calling in this particular situation. Through the internship I got a direct insight into the everyday work in the hospital, the tasks of the nursing profession with the challenges in the health care system clarified, so to speak, a look beyond the horizon.“ The 19-year-old Moritz Bausch, former FSJ’ler in the social, now trainee as a surgical technical assistant (OTA) used different internships to get to know the hospital everyday life for his career decision. The demand for nurses has been increasing not only since the Corona pandemic.

Internships help with decisions and for studies

An internship is helpful for numerous career decisions, all the way to future studies. How helpful was it for you? „In the medical and nursing field, the internship is especially helpful to even check if you are suitable for the profession. In addition, there is the possibility to complete the nursing internship in advance before studying, which is mandatory. Another advantage is that an internship prepares you for dealing with patients, everyday hospital life and colleagues. The challenges and stresses arise in everyday hospital life, and the social skills are of particular importance when dealing with patients,“ says Moritz Bausch, describing his experience.

Integration and understanding across borders

Importance of internships in nursing professions
Moritz Roland Bausch / OTA-Education & Blogger

The company Sedulus-Personalvermittlung with headquarters in Opole in Poland and Munich sees itself in the obligation to integrate satisfied employees, to design a low turnover and to provide our customers at home and abroad with qualified personnel or employees who are satisfied and happy in their work. In 2018, the number of foreign doctors registered in Germany was almost 55,000. How does the integration of foreign doctors work? In Germany, fortunately, our own doctors are supported and at the same time learn how health works in Germany.

„During my FSJ’ler time I worked in a maximum care hospital in the south of Berlin also with numerous doctors from Eastern Europe and Asia. Many cultures under one roof, so to speak. My experience during the year was that there were only few traces of rough dealings among each other; respectful manners have become established. I particularly appreciated the team spirit, the exchange after difficult assignments and critical situations. For birthdays, on the first day of work, or on the last day of work, we baked, cooked, or brought other surprises for the whole ward. When I left, I received gifts from everyone for the start of my training, which touched me deeply, how strong the team spirit is,“ says Moritz Bausch.

Cross-border healthcare – Germany a favorite

9,309 physicians from abroad applied to have their foreign qualifications assessed for equivalence in 2019. Germany offers versatile career prospects: hospitals, clinics, health centers, elderly or nursing services, or in professional fields such as medical research and teaching, medical technology or the pharmaceutical industry.

With the Skilled Workers Immigration Act of August 15, 2019, lawmakers in Germany intended to increase the immigration of well-trained skilled workers to Germany. Germany’s attractiveness as a destination for legal labor migration is expected to increase significantly internationally with the new legislation, according to the federal government. „Fortunately, doctors from abroad come with new ideas and ways of thinking. Thus, the gaps in the serious shortage of doctors can be counteracted,“ Moritz Bausch is convinced. In no other field like medicine is flexibility and innovation so important; about 3,000 German doctors leave the country every year.

Can the new doctors also revive the country doctor?

Importance of internships in nursing professions
Importance of internships in nursing professions / Pixabay

It seems attractive for many doctors to work in the countryside and heal the population. Therefore, most are drawn to hospitals. The federal government initiated a simplified entry into medical school for future physicians if they commit to working in rural areas for 15 years. But this offer is rarely or not sufficiently taken up. Therefore, the question arises who would be ready for the rural population.

Germany is urgently looking for new medical talent. Because the problem of underuse in rural areas is that many citizens have to travel kilometers with complaints in order to reach the nearest doctor’s office. This takes a long time and is highly risky. Moritz Bausch comments: „In discussions with my colleagues, these challenges come up again and again. Particularly in rural areas, no successor can be found for practices, and general practitioners and family doctors are being sought. In order to make the job of a rural doctor palatable to physicians, programs of the federal government – Make it in Germany – help in addition to the relevant TV series and possible internships.“

We, as Sedulus recruitment agency, have received good feedback from interns or job shadowing students who have gained a deep insight into the working life of a rural doctor through an internship. Of course, no one can be forced, but one or two will fall in love with the landscape, the cohesion and the profession of a rural doctor. In addition, the population in the countryside is grateful, they can rely on being cared for in an emergency. Especially in old age, where mobility is limited, home visits are necessary, alleviate the stress of patients and relatives, who are relieved, according to the feedback.

Make it in Germany: Poles and Germans – working in the other country

Importance of internships in nursing professions

Oliwer Mikus / Employment agency Sedulus Sp. z o. o.

Progress through technology, digitalization, mobility facilitate lifelong learning and allow to gather experience exchange in other European countries. Contacts, lifelong friendships with cultural exchange and experiences are created. The Sedulus recruitment agency creates, mediates and accompanies these connections throughout Europe. Founded in the „German enclave“ of Opole in Poland by Oliwer Mikus, Oliwer Mikus has been successful on the market since 2015, making professional dreams come true. „Those who, like me, are at home in both countries, also know the trends and challenges. Since my youth, I have worked in Germany alongside my studies, studied in Poland and now live together with my family in Bavaria in Germany with regular visits to my native Opole. My wish is that with Sedulus recruitment agency we can promote connections in working life, but also understanding of different cultures across borders“, Oliwer Mikus states. Politically and humanly, legally and culturally – people and systems are different. Cross-fertilization is positive and desirable. Experience shows that our work is practical and helps people and societies. We are proud of what we do.


Oliwer Mikus
Sedulus Sp. z. o o – recruitment agency


Sedulus Sp. z o.o.
Oliwer Mikus
ul. Jana Łangowskiego 1
45-031 Opole
Tel: +49 89 13072963
Tel: +48 608 554 697

Company Description:

The company Sedulus Sp. z o.o. with headquarters in Opole / Poland, branch in Rzeszów/ Poland and a branch in Munich / Germany has been successfully operating in the recruitment of experienced forces since 2015 and sees itself as an interface between employers and applicants. The goal is to achieve the connection of the needs of employers with the requirements of employees. Sedulus Sp. z o.o. has numerous attractive job offers, both permanent and temporary jobs. The company specializes in organizing suitable work for individuals, couples and groups, as well as students. More information at:


Bausch Enterprise

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