Important decisions for the professional path of life

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The choice of boarding school, why attend a boarding school? Decisions that influence the path of life – field report by Moritz Bausch, graduate of Rossell – Independent Boarding School in Lancashire, Fleetwood near Blackpool/UK in conversation with Oliwer Mikus, Sedulus Sp. z o.o. – Recruitment Agency.

moj biznesowy typ
Oliwer Mikus, founder of the recruitment
company Sedulus Sp. Z o. o.

„The desire is to find a good, fair and attractive job in Europe and especially in Germany with future prospects. With this wish, young adults, well educated employees who are open to new ways and interested in gaining new experiences, come forward. Employers all over Europe are looking for these open-minded and well-trained employees, who also contact Sedulus Sp. z o.o. recruitment agency“, explains Oliwer Mikus, entrepreneur of the recruitment company founded in 2015. The Sedulus team sees itself as a link between these seekers, accompanying them on both sides until a successful placement.

„Our team is constantly confronted with the question of what qualifications are needed. The job market (regardless of the country) is constantly changing. Over the years, we have noticed that employers from European Union countries are asking us more and more often for medical personnel. These requests have led to the fact that we have established a completely new branch of our placement services. We have started to work in cooperation with renowned clinics in Germany, where doctors of all specialties can start their work, which meets the standards of suitable candidates“, Oliwer Mikus points out.

Decisions are made early

Lifelong learning continues to establish itself, yet the decision for vocational training and further education is made at a young age. Perhaps a higher school leaving certificate is aspired to, vocational training is completed and then studies or dual studies follow. Across Europe, adjustments in legislation are simplifying cross-border learning and working. „We are experiencing through the digital change that young adults can participate in online training and study courses from anywhere. Experiences abroad through school exchanges, vacation camps or campus or boarding school visits are no longer rare“, explains Oliwer Mikus. Experience shows that these cultural and linguistic experiences also give a career edge in medical professions. Experts are sought and promoted worldwide. Decisions at a young age for the professional path of life are difficult to make, but they are good choices, as my experience report will make clear. Half a year before my extended degree at the Heinrich-von-Kleist High School, the desire for a medical profession grew in me. I made myself smart, a high school diploma would be advantageous in any case. And so the ball began rolling.

Field report Moritz: The decision as another building block for the future

Independend Boarding Rossall School – Fleetwood Lancashire
Independend Boarding Rossall School – Fleetwood, Lancashire

It is important for every decision that information helps to get clarity about what is coming, what the circumstances are and which requirements have to be met. For the visit to the boarding school it should be checked whether you can live there for a few years? I spent two years on a boarding school campus in Great Britain and from the first idea I had very little idea of what to expect. In Germany alone there are over 250 boarding schools. Friends of my parents, who let their daughter attend a boarding school on a North Sea island, were the only ones who could give a personal account. My mother and I were allowed to visit the boarding school for a weekend to gather feelings. Afterwards I was totally enthusiastic and informed myself further. Through internet research I went virtually on a boarding school search, but the abundant information was rather confusing and made a decision difficult. But one point became clear to me through the internet journey, if boarding school, then in the English speaking area.

The next step: Comparisons – Consulting

Of course I have partly informed myself before, but the internet research is not enough. Therefore it is important to visit the boarding schools in question beforehand. In order not to make the decision of the boarding school completely blind, I decided with my parents to consult a so-called boarding school consultant. No sooner said than done, the online search was successful, we found a boarding school consultant who had detailed information and personal contacts for suitable boarding schools. In addition, he prepared me and my family what we have to consider and what exactly I have to expect. I first met my boarding school consultant in Berlin at the end of 2017. He wanted to get to know me and my family, asked questions about my wishes for the future and above all whether I myself had made the decision for a boarding school stay or whether there was a necessity. Afterwards he sent me suggestions of various boarding schools in England including brochures and information material. This was very exciting, because it was a step forward in bringing my idea to fruition. After reading everything, I decided on two out of five boarding school suggestions and wanted to visit them personally. In February 2018 I flew with my parents to England to gather impressions and feelings on the spot, to see if this could be the place for two years of living and learning for me. The Rossall – Independent Boarding School in Lancashire in the north of England, near Fleetwood, was one of the two boarding schools I visited. The next bigger cities are Manchester and Liverpool, the boarding school is located about halfway between the cities, directly on the Irish Sea. Both cities have airports and good connections. The second boarding school was the Private International Boarding School – CATS Canterbury School in Canterbury in the south of England. The surroundings of Canterbury reach from the beach to the big city, is located in the county of Kent, Brighton the famous seaside resort is quickly accessible, as well as the metropolis London.

Factors for a decision

The financial aspect plays a role in the extent to which the family can afford a boarding school. But of course there is also the possibility of a test which can entitle the student to apply for a scholarship. Scholarships are available in different amounts. There are not only 100 percent scholarships where everything is covered, there are also scholarships that are designed for certain subjects, for example. I was very lucky that my parents and grandparents in particular saw boarding school as an investment in my education. Together, the costs were transparently listed and weighed. What possibilities does the experience of a boarding school visit bring for my future life? Taking responsibility, graduation, learning new cultures, language and making new friendships were part of the pros and cons discussions. Again and again the objection was raised that the school system in Germany is outstanding, why go abroad and pay money for it? What if – I was lucky, because my mother completed a one-year student exchange in the United States of America with the German Youth For Understanding Committee e.V. at a young age, when she completed her high school diploma. Her experiences and success helped in the various discussions with friends, relatives and acquaintances. Moreover, these discussions were a good preparation, I was put to the test whether I would seriously go through with it, but my enthusiasm grew the more I dealt with the topic.

On-site appointment: take a picture yourself and collect feelings

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Independend Boarding Rossall School – Fleetwood, Lancashire

Then it should be time for the on-site visit to the two selected boarding schools. As preparation I needed an excuse for the high school I was attending, flights and hotel had to be booked and our boarding school consultant helped with the coordination with the boarding schools and our visiting schedule with time management. When I arrived at the boarding school for the visit, I was excited and curious. For protection, I did not set my expectations high, impartially I wanted to let everything affect me. The first boarding school was the Rossall-School, which greeted us with the first sign at the parking lot: „Familie Bausch“ – a parking lot for our car. The way led through the entrance gate to the reception building and there was a second welcome sign: Welcome Family Moritz Bausch. A nice surprise and immediately a friendly employee of the school welcomed us. The then principal was waiting for us, we were given visitor’s passes and two young students took my parents and me around the campus. The boarding students showed us around, one was a German boarding student and the second was from England. They showed us everything, we were allowed to visit the boys‘ boarding houses, classrooms, the chapel on campus, the food hall, the theater, the arts and science. The two teenagers talked about boarding school life, how work and life is lived in the school. Afterwards we had time with the director, who spoke perfect German because she had studied in Germany. She asked questions and answered numerous questions, especially from my parents. It was very harmonious, exciting and we travelled from the Irish Sea in the north of England to the south of England with many impressions to the further on-site appointment at the CATS Canterbury School.

Winter break and palm trees

In the evening we arrived in southern England with the impressions of the north, checked into the hotel and in the morning we were surprised by the onset of winter: Canterbury had been transformed overnight into a snowy landscape with palm trees. For the short way according to Google Maps of 10 minutes we needed then one hour, because there was traffic chaos. For years there has never been so much snowfall in this region, the locals told us. Despite the delay we were warmly welcomed in the private International Boarding School CATS. There was slight chaos, because many teachers and staff members could not get into the school because of the snowfall. We were guided through the school by a nice employee and here, in contrast to the Rossall-School, the buildings were spread along the street. In Rossall it was a self-contained campus. We had time to visit the classes and see the different accommodations. The then principal welcomed us with tea and cookies, answered all our questions and presented the campus program. My great hobby is music and playing the organ, which would find great support in the daily school routine, she explained to us. The next big difference was that the boarding students were able to live more openly than on the Rossall Campus. The city of Canterbury not only has an ancient history, but is centrally located between the beach, cities and the metropolis of London.

The decision – „What if or had, would have bicycle chain?“

There was no looking into the future, I had to listen to my feelings. My mother advised me to draw up a second list of pros and cons, because the decision was incredibly difficult. Both places had something unique, were totally different, super nice and friendly with good connections. I was especially impressed and finally confirmed in my decision by the completed campus of the Independent Boarding School-Rossall. It was decentralized and located directly at the Irish Sea without distraction by the city life, but that was a pro for me. The CATS Canterbury seemed to me personally a bit confusing, but it is very centrally located for life next to the school. Canterbury is only about a student from London, so the question is, how does this lead to distractions? The decision was mine, but the pros and cons of my parents were taken into account.

2020 successful completion: International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB)

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Independend Boarding Rossall School – Fleetwood, Lancashire

I am very happy about the decision to attend the Rossall School, especially because of the many international classmates who I liked from the beginning. I also had my own ‚bubble‘ – ’school in a fishbowl‘, if you like. Besides studying and learning, the campus offered numerous activities, sports, music, art, games, fun and excitement and a campus access to the sea. Sheltered and cut off from the world, we could study in peace and quiet, but we also had the opportunity to travel within 20 minutes by public transport to the next city, for activities with friends for example.

I would go to a boarding school again at any time and I can offer this experience to anyone who has the desire to attend a boarding school. I attended the boarding school for almost two years, every six to eight weeks we had short vacations, during which we had homework but still had time for family and friends at home. Through the boarding school I was able to make new friends worldwide, learn new languages and activities. My career aspirations have been consolidated, I would like to go into medicine. I started with an internship as FSJ’ler (Voluntary Social Year) to check if this is really the profession I can do for a longer period of time. The next step is a training as an OTA and for a study I have in any case the requirement of the IB diploma. I personally enjoy my network, which is spread all over the world thanks to the boarding school. Today I have contacts with classmates from about 30 countries with whom I am currently in virtual contact, we have mutual invitations. Unfortunately we could not travel due to Corona, but I’m sure we’ll make up for that.

Conclusion: Decisions change lives

Oliwer Mikus explains in the discussion that these experiences partly correspond with the experiences in the personnel switching. Job seekers report in Erstgespräch that from the idea to the decision with establishment of contact a large hurdle exists. If nobody is personally well-known, which has experiences with recruitment agencies, the prospective customers begin the search in the Internet as the first medium for the questions and for assistance. The Sedulus team sees their task as being that all interested parties need support on the way to achieving their goals. We have specialized in the medical industry in Germany, where employees receive additional support:

• the opportunity to learn the German language (free courses organized by hospitals and clinics that focus on medical vocabulary)
• numerous training courses to improve professional qualifications
• Access to the latest medical technologies and support from specialists in other medical departments.

The team at Sudulus Recruitment Agency is committed to providing support from the very beginning, as a partner in all matters related to recruitment, housing, necessary documents or language courses.

Moritz Roland Bausch
FSJ’ler & Blogger
(Voluntary social year in health care)

About the author:
Moritz Bausch, graduate of the Rossall School in Fleetwood, Great Britain with the International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB). Moritz is in the voluntary social year in the health service and the occupation desire physician in the human medicine strengthened by this practical course. His special interest lies in the transformation of the health care system through technology, digitalization and artificial intelligence to holistic health from A-Z.

Summary in polish:

Ważne wybory w życiu zawodowym

Jednym z życzeń młodych, wykształconych osób jest znalezienie dobrej, uczciwej i atrakcyjnej pracy, z perspektywami na przyszłość, w Europie, a zwłaszcza w Niemczech. Pracodawcy w całej Europie poszukują otwartych, dobrze wyszkolonych pracowników. Takich pracowników poszukuje również agencja pracy Sedulus Sp. z o. o. z siedzibą w Opolu. Została założona w 2015 roku przez pana Oliwera Mikusa. Częstym pytaniem jest pytanie o to jakie kwalifikacje są potrzebne, ponieważ rynek pracy nieustannie się zmienia. Coraz częściej pojawiają się pytania o personel medyczny. Dzięki współpracy z najlepszymi klinikami w Niemczech udało się zbudować nową gałąź rekrutacji.

Decyzję o dalszej edukacji podejmuje się często w młodym wieku. Niektórzy dążą do uzyskania kwalifikacji zawodowych, inni do ukończenia szkoły wyższej lub szkolenia zawodowego. Zmiana przepisów w Unii Europejskiej uprościła międzynarodową naukę i pracę. W wyniku cyfryzacji każdy może wziąć udział w kursach online lub szkoleniach z dowolnego miejsca. Rzadkością nie są także wymiany i obozy wakacyjne za granicą, dzięki którym można poznać kulturę, obyczaje i nowych przyjaciół.

W przypadku podjęcia decyzji warto sprawdzić i uzyskać informacje, z jakimi skutkami i konsekwencjami możemy się spotkać. Równie ważna jest wiedza o wymaganiach jakie należy spełnić. Często jest to niełatwe zadanie, ponieważ informacje w Internecie potrafią być zagmatwane, a przeważnie nie mamy dostępu do bezpośredniego, sprawdzonego źródła.

Moritz Bausch, który zdecydował się na wybór szkoły z internatem w Wielkiej Brytanii opowiada o jego przeżyciach. Skorzystał on z usług doradcy, który miał osobiste kontakty dotyczące poszczególnych szkół. Dzięki temu Moritz dowiedział się mnóstwa nowych rzeczy o szkołach w Wielkiej Brytanii. Wybrał 2 z 5 propozycji przedstawionych przez doradcę. Dodatkowo, przed rozpoczęciem nauki i definitywnym wyborem, odwiedził obie szkoły by poczuć wrażenia, odczucia i atmosferę tych miejsc.
Aspekt finansowy odgrywa bardzo ważną rolę. Po napisaniu testów można ubiegać się o stypendia. W przypadku Moritza, rodzice i

dziadkowie uznali pójście do szkoły z internatem jako inwestycję w edukację i przyszłość. Pojawiła się także lista „za i przeciw”. Nowa kultura, język, nowe przyjaźnie, a także wzięcie odpowiedzialności za siebie. Dodatkowo trudny wybór pomiędzy dwoma uczelniami, które były zupełnie inne i miały coś wyjątkowego. Ostatecznie wybór padł na Rossell – Independent Boarding School in Lancashire.

Oliwer Mikus wyjaśnia, że doświadczenia Moritza pokrywają doświadczenia kadr. Pierwszym medium, jako źródło informacji, jest Internet. Sedulus zapewnia zainteresowanym stronom wsparcie, tak aby zainteresowane strony mogły osiągnąć swój cel. Sedulus działa jako partner w kwestiach związanych z zatrudnieniem, zakwaterowaniem, niezbędnymi dokumentami czy kursami językowymi.


Bausch Enterprise

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