Mask fatigue refers to the feeling of fatigue, frustration or rejection towards the use of face masks as protection. Contributing to responsible action – in conversation with Max Leber, Managing Director of PPE Germany GmbH from Berlin, Germany.
It may sound simple, but masks help. Simple, but an effective measure that can make a big difference in fighting infectious diseases. That’s the finding of the scientific support, according to Max Leber, managing director of PPE Germany GmbH, a renowned mask producer from Germany.
The world struggled with the COVID-19 pandemic, which highlighted the importance of taking precautions to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. One key measure that has gained a lot of attention recently is the wearing of medical masks. Medical masks have been found to play a critical role in curbing the transmission of respiratory infections such as COVID-19.
Gold standard of efficacy verification
During and after the pandemic, many countries and different institutions have attempted to scientifically verify the effectiveness of masks. Summaries of research findings at the global level have also been important. The Cochrane Collaboration is an international organization dedicated to promoting evidence-based medicine. Max Leber: „This organization produces systematic reviews on various medical topics and makes them publicly available in the Cochrane Library. A Cochrane review is an important source for making medical decisions based on reliable and up-to-date scientific evidence.“ Famous individual studies, for example, looked at the Hajj pilgrims in Mecca, who had very close contact during Muslim pilgrimages. A famous study in Germany in 2009 because of swine flu established the effectiveness of mask-wearing.

Effectiveness of mask-wearing scientifically confirmed
It is clear from laboratory studies, many of which were conducted during the pandemic, that mask-wearing helps. These show that masks, especially FFP2 masks, can block virus particles. For example, Japan, which prioritized mask-wearing and mitigating airborne transmission, had a remarkably low mortality rate in 2020. So, too, did the U.S. find that masks help. A Harvard University teaching hospital had a doubling of the infection rate among healthcare workers every 3.6 days before masks became mandatory. That rate dropped significantly after the mask requirement was implemented. In spring 2020, 401 regions in Germany implemented mandatory masks at different times over a three-month period. By carefully comparing otherwise similar locations before and after mandatory masks, researchers concluded that „face masks reduce the daily growth rate of reported infections by about 47 percent,“ with the effect being more pronounced in large cities and among the elderly.
Consistently wearing a mask, preferably a high-quality, well-fitting one, protects against coronavirus
At the same time, frustration with organizational deficiencies increased during the pandemic. Mask wearing was sometimes uncomfortable or illogically organized. Requiring masks outdoors and even on beaches, or requiring masks to be worn when entering a restaurant but not at the table, or requiring children as young as 2 to wear masks at daycare but not during lunch. Masks are a tool, not a talisman or miracle cure. They do play a role when used appropriately and consistently at the right time. Max Weber comments: „We at PPE Germany GmbH supply masks with a high standard of quality and wearing comfort to ensure that protective measures are adhered to. The human factor is crucial for success“. PPE Germany GmbH produces FFP2 masks in Germany. These masks provide a high level of protection against harmful particles and are certified to meet safety standards. The company has a specialized team dedicated to the production of these masks and uses fully automated production lines to manufacture approximately ten million masks per week in Berlin. PPE Germany GmbH is particularly proud of the „Dodo Air Medical“ mask model because of its high filtering performance and low breathing resistance.
Viktoria successfully studied Health Economics with a specialization in Hospital and Pharmacy Management. Her interests relate to nutritional sciences, public health and digital development in the healthcare industry. The blog offers numerous topics around health and corporate health management. In the field of human resources development, she is gaining experience for change in digital transformation. You can reach us at
PPE Germany GmbH
Mertensstr. 63-115
13587 Berlin
Tel: +49 30 202366380
Contact: Max Leber, GF and Sales
Press contact:
PPE Germany GmbH
Mertensstr. 63-115
13587 Berlin
Tel: +49 30 202366380
Company Description:
PPE Germany GmbH, based in Berlin, are specialists in respiratory protection Made in Germany. PPE Germany is one of the major European mask producers for high quality FFP2 masks and started production in 2020 to ensure the supply of protective equipment to the population. PPE Germany protects the health of people who have to work and live in complicated air conditions, such as viral contamination, hospital germ contamination, bacterial contamination, dust, fibers (e.g. due to mineral wool), industrial fumes, fine dust. All PPE Germany products are certified and subject to the strictest testing standards. Further information at: