Schlagwort: Europe

City versus country: Global developments
Künstliche Intelligenz
Max Bausch

City versus country: Global developments

Every lifestyle has advantages and disadvantages. Life phases for rural life and life phases for the advantages of city and metropolis – real estate expert

Energy Consumption in Indoor Farming
Max Bausch

Energy Consumption in Indoor Farming

Indoor vertical farming is an efficient agricultural concept in which crop production is shifted from the ground upwards. The idea arose from the knowledge of

Künstliche Intelligenz
Max Bausch

Le métal précieux blanc argenté : le palladium

La demande de palladium a extrêmement augmenté au cours de la dernière décennie. L’Europe et les États-Unis misent sur l’énergie verte – les métaux industriels

The silver-white precious metal: palladium
Max Bausch

The silver-white precious metal: palladium

Demand for palladium has increased extremely in the last decade. Europe and the USA build on Green Energy – Platinum Group Industrial Metals for Achieving